Senior Grace Gilbert shot a 72 school record along with the team record for Plainfield North High School. Senior Maggie Spencer, junior Brooklyn Griffith and sophomores Annie Halvorsen and Kiley Sanborn broke a golf record of 342 on Aug.15 at the Whitetail Ridge event.
“I would say my reaction when I hit my new PR, I was speechless and very proud of myself, “ Gilbert said. “I was smiling ear to ear and couldn’t be more happy.”
Though only a sophomore, Sanborn has a positive attitude to continue the year at North.
“My experience this season has been great but has been a little stressful at times because I always want to play well,” Sanborn said. “I’m excited for the team and myself to improve even more this year.”
Pushing herself to be great throughout the season, Gilbert still stands on meeting more records in her future golfing career with nothing stopping her.
“What helped me achieve my PR and school record was staying focused and not letting a bad shot affect the rest of the match,” Gilbert said.
With the win of placing 5th in conference, Sanborn has made this previous achievement and she has bigger goals for the 2024-25 season.
“I am excited to know myself better and get more comfortable playing in bigger tournaments. To be better at golf I will try to have a more positive, open mindset,” Sanborn said. “In the summer, I’m going to play at Mistwood and work on shirt games and compete in IJGA tournaments.”
Nothing is stopping Gilbert from achieving more goals. She shoots a 2nd school record for a 9 holed with a 37, then continues showing off her talent with a 3rd school record, an 18 hole with a 78
“By upping my game, I will try to focus more on the course and not let the bad shots affect my time,” Gilbert said. “I feel like I’m doing well this season. I would love to be doing better, but it’s just the beginning.”
Their biggest supporter, coach Meindl, has words of advice for these hard working girls’ future accomplishments.
“My advice for everyone is to understand that golf is something you will have for the rest of your life. Don’t let it define who you are, and remember, it is just a game,” Meindl said. “Everyone’s future’s so bright.”