Social media considered too toxic

Miranda Baez, Staff Writer

The influx of social media within the last decade may seem fun and positive on the surface, but a deeper exploration shows that this simply is not the case. Instead, an onslaught of negative consequences has been brought upon the global society as a result of these apps.

Sure, social media allows for communication anytime, anywhere, but it leads to poor connections amongst people. Look inside any classroom, and practically everyone will be spending every spare moment viewing the latest posts and videos on their social media feeds. Both teachers and their students cannot seem to resist checking their notifications and messages instead of being present with the people in the room.  

Social media also absorbs the time which people could be using more productively. Author Peter Suciu from says during 2021 the average American spent over 1,300 hours using social media. This equates to over 53 days of nonstop scrolling, posting and messaging.

Many users of social media belong to the younger generations. A survey of 100 North students revealed 98 percent have at least one social media profile. 

Through these accounts, adolescents are more vulnerable to explicit or otherwise inappropriate content. While many social media sites have parental restrictions that disable viewing this kind of material, not all parents are aware of their children’s social media usage or  even the existence of these functions.

Adolescents are also impressionable and are likely to have self image issues due to social media’s infamous reputation for encouraging the excessive use of filters and photo editing. Snapchat, currently one of the biggest social media platforms, revolves around altering photos with filters that change the user’s face shape, hide acne and sometimes even completely change hair or eye color. While it is true that many filters are simply meant to be used for fun, people fail to realize how quickly a user, especially one already experiencing the insecurities of puberty, can grow to dislike their natural appearance due to the influence of social media.

Cyberbullying is another issue that has become more prevalent  with the proliferation of social media sites. Users have the ability to exploit various platforms to make fun of others’ insecurities. Because of the ease of anonymity, anyone can leave hurtful comments or messages with little to no repercussions. Most platforms include the option of blocking and reporting users who harass others, but it is rare for any actual change to occur since trolls  can continuously make new accounts to spread  hatred and negativity.

Originally, social media was  a tool meant to be used for creativity and connection, but it is clear that it has many deeply-rooted faults that can not be ignored. These sites are harming society, and it is time for people  to finally log off, close out of these apps and sign into a better overall state of being.