Modern pop medley

Junior Angel Vera performs a solo at Norths choir concert. Photo by Paige Collins

Cassidy Schmidt, Staff Reporter

Nine choral groups performed during North’s choir concert on March 2. 

Choir director Christian Larios and assistant choir director Samantha Barra took a more modern approach to the musical number selections. This year’s concert was a medley of various popular songs.

“All the music is pop music from the modern era as opposed to traditional choral music,” Barra said. “This concert is mostly a ‘feel good’ concert. The songs ranged from artists including Bill Withers and Ben E. King as well as known songs like ‘When We Were Young’ by Adele and ‘I Want It That Way’ by the Backstreet Boys.”  

Choir members also enjoyed singing the pop songs.

“I feel happy about the fact we are doing more modern songs,” senior soloist Milan Phillips said. 

The concert also featured more solos than usual, totalling 18. While groups still performed songs, they would switch out and allow selected students to perform a solo.

“I enjoyed having the opportunity of getting a solo and performing well, along with singing with my extra curricular choir,” Phillips said.

This was the first choir concert held in the auditorium in over a year. Students were excited for the concert to feel “normal” again while singing to a full house.

“The concert went great,” Phillps said. “It was amazing to share the stage with my classmates, and that night is something I will never forget.”

Overall, the concert had a positive emotional impact on both students and teachers.

“Since the 3rd quarter tends to be hard on us emotionally, this concert will hopefully lift some spirits as we begin to look forward to spring,” Barra said.