Student safety needs expansion

Cartoon by Julianne Pearson

Prowler Staff

Parking lots can be a dangerous place for experienced drivers. For 16-18 year-olds who are new to driving, the risk factor increases dramatically- especially in our school parking lot. More safety precautions must be put in place to decrease the frequency of accidents. 

 In North parking lots, collisions happen often because traffic laws are not as heavily enforced, and it is difficult for many drivers to see when backing out.

Additionally, some students drive aggressively as they feel rushed to get to their first class on time or are anxious to get home. To avoid the irrational decisions that come along with emotional driving, North needs to provide more stop signs and reposition the campus officer to control traffic. 

Some people may argue that paying for these adjustments may not be cost-effective. However, 700 North students paid $100 for a parking permit as of the beginning of September. The $70,000 in generated parking revenue should be utilized to increase safety.

When double-sided sign panels, sign posts, and foundations add up, it can seem pricey. However, installing one sign would actually only cost $470 using district laborers ( However, North would need 13 of these to create three-way stops, one along each aisle of the two main parking lots. That would leave almost $63,000in parking pass revenue this year alone. If a new sign is placed along the main road at the opening of each of the rows of parking lots, stop signs could direct the flow of traffic by letting those in parking spots get out of the lot and into the line to either exit the school or enter the lot. This would create a safer traffic flow.

While the position of the busses has changed allowing students to access the 119th Street exit before 2:20, the problems created in the parking lot bleed over into the exits, making exiting the school hard to navigate. Letting approximately 700 cars figure out how to leave a parking lot simultaneously is not safe. Reassigning the school safety officer to direct traffic at the most congested corner would keep order, decreasing the frequency of crashes, speeding, and reckless driving.  

The attention to safety that North enforces inside the school building must be extended to the outside of the campus as well.