Different ways to prepare for tests

Nick Pallotto, Staff Writer

North junior Lorenzo Pardo is already thinking about April, studying a little bit every day and thinking up useful strategies so that its less intimidating on the day of the SAT , he understands that the test doesn’t predict your whole life, and that’s something he recommends all students keep in mind this April.
According to the Learning Center at University of Carolina at Chapel Hill, test anxiety is a combination of physical symptoms mixed with emotional reactions that interfere with a student’s ability to stay calm, and it impairs a person’s ability to think and process information more clearly.
“I am nervous about the SAT, because I want everything to fall into place and get the opportunities that are available and the ones that know are right for me.” Junior Ian O’Keeffe said

University of North Carolina says test anxiety is different with students. Some experience physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, as well a rapid heartbeat. But there are many other forms of symptoms students have experienced such as feelings of stress and helplessness.

“When I feel stressed, I’m physically exhausted and mentally drained from studying, and I get distracted easily from stressing about the test.” Junior Lorenzo Pardo said

The U.S Department of Education has tried to take in making sure that any student can potentially succeed; the (ADA) The Americans with Disabilities Act gives students with learning disabilities accommodations when testing, like extended time to take the test, as well as a quieter environment.
“Use all resources given to you if you have a disability, but if you don’t, learn the test material,” English teacher Stacey Beaupre said.
Although testing is a huge priority for students, some students feel it shouldn’t be all about testing and more career centered, but it’s a very difficult thing to do.
“If you wanted to change the curriculum each state would have to be in favor of a change in the American education system.” Fuller said

Some students might argue that their sleep patterns are often altered during tests, because they spend hours studying or they simply fail to fall asleep at night.
“Make sure you get enough sleep and stick with your normal routine, she said “in preparation make sure your calculator works and you have batteries.” Hurst said

On the day of the test its important to eat a healthy, nutritious breakfast so you are not hungry during the test and your focused, alert, and ready to take the test.

“According to every health class I’ve taken, breakfast is an essential part of their day, students might not have the time to eat, but if they did their test scores would increase.” Fuller said

After a big test, it’s important to relax and reflect on your performance as well as realize how much effort and time was put into preparing for the test. Try not to get nervous as you are reflecting how you did.
“Being a little nervous is a good thing, it means you care about it.” Said College and career counselor Melissa Hurst.