Can Long Distance Relationships Work?

Cassidy Sutton, News Editor

It happens every year, the seniors graduate and those in a relationship are faced with the decision of whether or not they can make a long-distance relationship work. High schoolers attempt long-distance relationships for their first year of college because despite choosing different schools or one person still being in high school hope still remains. 


Long-distance relationships have a 58 percent success rate, according to a study in 2018. The study consisted of 1,000 Americans who have been in a long-distance relationship and found that whether or partners make it through the long-distance phase.


“To make the long-distance relationship work, the couple needs to trust each other and communicate often,” senior Nick Woolley said. 


In today’s society, there is a big advantage to long-distance work, technology. With features such as Facetime couples are able to not only talk on the phone but also see each other through the screen. 


Video chatting can make it feel like the two individuals are almost in the same room. When a person is far away and alone, video chats make them feel like someone’s there, watching and keeping company.


“The easiest part will be the communication since we have been blessed with technology and we can Facetime and text,” Woolley said. 


Distance is a big change in a relationship. It tests the love that two individuals share with each other. Especially right after high school when both people in the relationship are still so young and have their whole futures ahead of them. Some students are dating upperclassmen and will still be in high school while their significant other goes to college. 


Junior Cailey Maloney has been dating senior Brandon Starkey for almost two years now. Starkey plans to continue his academic career at the University of Iowa. Maloney still has another year left at North and is undecided about college. The two plan to continue dating even after he leaves in August.. 


“I do think being in a long-distance relationship will be challenging,” Maloney said. “Going from seeing each other almost every day to seeing them about once a month will be the most challenging.” 


Both agree that the hardest part will be not being around each other every day. It is a big adjustment and a new chapter in both lives. But, there are things that make it easier. 


“The easiest part that it makes it less scary is knowing they will be here for you when you get back,” Starkey said. 


Others have already been attempting long-distance relationships with either having an older boyfriend/girlfriend or their significant other has enlisted in the military.


“After I left I realized it’s hard loving someone who you can’t be with every day,” Army Private, Briick, Ethan said. “But, the love and connection are worth waiting for.”